Weekly Planner

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Weekly Planning Huddle Checklist

Use the following step-by-step list to get set up for this coming week or use the downloadable pdf here. Click + on right to expand each item.

1. Connect to Your Inner Coach

Sit and connect to your Inner Coach for 10 minutes before beginning your week.  Sit quietly.  Breath with your Shift Breath.

2. Review and Reflect

Review & Reflect: What worked?  What didn’t?  Learn from your mistakes and successes and keep progressing to mastery. Sit with your Inner Coach and use the following questions to review this past week:  downloadable pdf

Use these questions to help you reflect on last week:
Which goals did you achieve (weight, exercise, calorie budget and others) for this week?

Why did you achieve them?

Which goals did you not achieve?

Why did you not achieve them?

Which of these skills needs more attention and/or improvements?

 Planning ahead
 Staying within your Calorie Budget for Weight Release
 Exercise
 Mastery Zone: more protein? less refined foods? More vegetables and fruit?
 Tracking your food and exercise
 Keeping trigger foods out and healthy foods around
 Seeking support from others
 Removing negative self-talk
 Taking a Shift breath and refocusing
 Strategizing with your Inner Coach
 Getting back on track rather than starting over the next day

Is there anything else that needs to improve?

Do you need to be more consistent with the hypnosis and meditation sessions (they have a cumulative impact so it helps to keep up with them)?

What would you like to acknowledge yourself for?

3. Weekly Weight Release Calculator + Planner

Go to the Weight Release Calculator + Planner to set up your weight release and exercise goals for the week.  

Print out your planner and keep it handy.

Calculator + Planner here

4. Plan Meals and Snacks / Make Shopping List

Make sure you have an eating plan for the week.

Food Resources here

5. Strategize Challenges for the Week

If you have any social events or challenging situations coming this week, think them through.  Have a plan for success.

6. Create a Vision for a Successful Week

Close your eyes and imagine yourself a week into the future, feeling good, lighter and healthier, having had a great week.