Day 22

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  • Afternoon Refocus
  • Shift Breath 

Day 22: Thin Thinking Practice


I use my Shift Breath to bring me back to my ideal weight vision.  I feel the feeling of achieving that vision and know that I am on my way!

Welcome to Your Thin Thinking Practice Day 22

You are now in the home stretch, Apprentice!!  I want you to remind you to take a SHIFT Breath and acknowledge your progress to date.  You may feel you have got your systems down and are thin thinking and your weight release is going along as planned—if so, fantastic!  Use this week to deepen your practice even more.

If you are not quite there yet, I want to remind you it’s okay. Depending on where you have been with your weight and what is going on in your life, progress can vary from person to person. If your scale shows that your weight release hasn’t been what you hoped to this point, it could be many reasons:

  • Water weight.
  • Your portions may be larger than what you are tracking (often this is the case—remember, we can underestimate the amount we are eating by 100%).
  • If you have over eaten a couple of days (which is fine) that overage may have slowed down your deficiting enough calories to release what you have expected.

It’s important to remember that if you keep moving forward and staying (for the most part) within your calorie budget, you will keep releasing weight—even if it is not exactly what you expected.  The key is to keep on keeping on—stay consistent and flexible.

That is what today’s coaching: Plan B Exercise (below) is about too. Staying flexible and consistent with your exercise—another factor in weight release!!

Today’s Shift From Fat To Thin Thinking: I use my Shift Breath to bring me back to my ideal weight vision.  I feel the feeling of achieving that vision and know that I am on my way!

Rita’s Coaching: Plan B Exercise

To me, exercise is my drug of choice. Exercise literally makes me feel “buzzed” and “alive”, keeps me feeling young, and is proven to ward off disease and aging.

The key to mastering exercise is consistency. Most Masters, as I mentioned in the book, burn about 2000-3500 calories a week in exercise.  That is pretty consistent, wouldn’t you say?

Something that helps me and many weight masters stay consistent with exercise is to come up with a plan B—something we can do during rain or shine, heat wave or tidal wave. It is a form of exercise that if we can’t get to the gym or go for a walk outside we can do to burn a few calories and keep up our exercise routine. Here are some ideas:

  • Turn on some music and dance in your home (my favorite, hands down).
  • Walk in a mall
  • Walk in place while watching TV
  • Do an exercise class on YouTube

What are some Plan B ideas would work for you?  Write down 4 alternatives and post somewhere prominent to remember.

Having a plan B will help you stay consistent with exercise and  keep you continuing on your journey. Research shows that walking is the number one choice for most Masters because it can be done anywhere. You can even get up from your desk three times a day and walk for ten minutes. If you did that three times a day you would have exercised for 30 minutes.

So keep moving while you have a great Shift Day 22

ox Rita

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