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Day 0 – Set Up For Success
Today you will set up for your Thin Thinking Practice!
Follow these steps to prepare yourself for the next 30 days:
STEP 1: Access Your Online Resources
Sign up to receive daily coaching emails which also contain your hypnosis links or access the hypnosis, meditations, and coaching sessions on this site.
STEP 2: Choose your Food and Exercise Tracking System
Track Manually: Get a journal, a notebook, or print out 30 Daily Food Journal PDFs to track your food.
Track with an app: Sign up for Lose It! Or My Fitness Pal either online or in the App Store. These services are free of charge.
Remember: You will want to adjust the Daily Calorie Budget in these systems to the Daily Calorie Budget given to you by our calculator.
STEP 3: Prepare to Track your Weight
Have a digital scale that works.
Prepare to record your weight in your tracking app or with the Weight Tracking Graph worksheet in Resources: Worksheets
STEP 4: Prepare to Exercise
Make sure you have: exercise attire, a plan for the week, and a place to exercise-gym, walking path etc.
STEP 5: Prepare to Eat in your Food Mastery Zone
Think through your meals, snacks and treats for the week.
Plan a shopping list and think through eat-out options that allow you to stay in your Food Mastery Zone.
Check out the printable lists in Resources: Food Lists.
STEP 6: Prepare your Environments
Remove your trigger foods from all your environments.
Make sure you have healthy food choices in your environments.
STEP 7: Create your Support Team
Make sure you are ready to make yourself a priority.
Enroll family and friends in supporting you.
STEP 8: Set Aside Daily Meditation and Hypnosis Times
Make sure you have about 10 minutes to listen to your Daily Vision Meditation
Give yourself the 20 minutes you need at night for hypnosis—this could be right before bed or earlier in the day or evening—whatever works best for you.
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