Day 29

  • Afternoon Refocus
  • Shift Breath 

Day 29: The Secrets of Weight Masters (video)


I now believe in my ability to keep honing my Weight Mastery—one day at a time.

As you transition onto the next leg of your Weight Mastery journey, I want to share with you some insight into how weight masters see the Nine Skills of Weight Mastery. This way of seeing and embracing the skills allow you to go beyond just "doing" the skills and to fully embody them. With this shift, Weight Mastery becomes just a part of who you are...

Continuing The Journey - Part 2: Success Secrets of Weight Masters

Rita's Coaching: Continuing The Journey: Part 2

The Puzzle Is Coming Together

The new thin thinking beliefs, habits and daily practices that you have learned can now support you as you keep going and becoming more masterful. To prove that this is possible – I would like to introduce you to Jan Stevens who participated in the first Shift Weight Mastery Process, released 33 pounds and has maintained her weight for ten years.

In today’s coaching session: A Weight Master’s Advice on How to Release and Maintain your Weight Long-Term (audio below), Jan shares advice, tips, and her powerful story.

Audio interview with Long-Term Shift Weight Master Janet Stevens 

Have a Shifted Day 29!

ox Rita